Sunday, November 10, 2013

6 Days a week!

I work out 6 days week.  I have a pretty good routine going and  most of all I really enjoy it.  Check out My YouTube Channel to see my trainer and I workout!

She (Zora;my trainer) really pushes me and I never knew I would be doing half of the things I'm doing.  I am not trying to lose weight and I am not too interested (anymore) in trying to gain; I just want to tone, be more flexible and strong(er). 

I have always had upper body strength and I am slowly but surely noticing lower body strength improvement since I started working out the end of May this year.  I am going to post more pics so that you guys can see the improvements; meanwhile check out my Instagram @crystasticjewels and/or my YouTube Crystastic.

Come workout with me and share your ideas and tips. 

I am always looking for input on how to build this body by defining my muscles! (smile)

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