Thursday, January 10, 2013

Traveling and MAKING MONEY!!!

This is so exciting!  As you all know I enjoy sharing jewelry with you guys whether I make it or not.  You also know that I enjoy traveling more than that.

Traveling to conferences for my GNLD products I meet physicians and other professionals  (Newtrend creator) that help pass along great opportunities.  The opportunity to sell and bring you Just Jewelry was presented to me while traveling and while traveling I NETWORK like CRAZY!

My latest trip to NYC (Dec. 2012) allowed me to visit some of the finest stores and seek out opportunities.   My trip to Myrtle Beach (July 2012) was a show all and my trip to Charleston (May 2012) was a falling in love with the markest frenzy trip.  I planned on at "least" two to three trips a year and last year  there were  THREE!!! All three brought me extra income!

All I had to do was show up!  But I had to learn how to show up on a budget.  Check out TRAVEL WELL  (right side) and see what I'm talking about.

Don't you want to "escape normal"??!!  I'm learning AND....I am planning my next trip : )

***I have to laugh at myself...I typed "LIVING WELL for TRAVEL WELL"  and posted the article.  Sorry if you were looking for a "Living Well" link lol 
~But that should tell you something ; )

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