Thursday, June 21, 2012


If you know anything about me you know I love to travel!
Click the link to the right "how I travel" to find out how to do it without going broke.

When I created 'Crystastic/CrystasticJewels' it gave me the opportunity to get out more and be around people and mix and mingle; which I love...and have fun doing what I like to do.

By adding 'Just Jewelry' and GNLD to the mix I realized that I needed to be more mobile and participate in conventions, conferences and 'mixers' in order to promote myself and my products.

Basically I needed to travel!   Click the link above on the right " How I travel"  and find out how to get out there and enjoy doing what you do and not breaking the bank doing it!!

Did I mention I went to Hawaii for under $700; Roundtrip?!

Seriously!!!  Enjoy!

~Crystal : )

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